I have been dragging my feet, not really sure what to post. This trip was incredible on many levels and so "not about me", since I was partnered with my 9 year old daughter, Taylor. I really miss all of our new friends from the States that made up this team. God sure knew what He was doing putting together such a diverse group. It honestly couldn't have been any better, in my opinion. I appreciate everyone and what they added to the team in both personality and spiritual gifting. We definitely had a blast! And then the interpreters that God provided, well...it feels as if we left family in Ethiopia. They are precious and some of the most impressive people I have ever known.

As a parent I can't describe the blessing it was to watch my daughter in Ethiopia. It is amazing to watch her personal relationship come to a light that I don't normally get to experience in the bustle of every day normalcy. I know she has a unique relationship with God, as we all do. I know that He has an incredible plan for her...but I got to actually see it. I know this is just the beginning of His road for her life: seeing how He will grow her, use her, bless others through her. It was such an honor to experience it. I am excited to see what He has for her future. I know it will be great!

Taylor and I feel enriched. The people and the culture in Ethiopia are rich with values , caring, and a spirituality we are not used to experiencing here in the States. I feel so honored to have been a part of their lives for two weeks, to receive their love, care and encouragement. And we enjoyed experiencing and learning about their culture, loving and playing with the children, meeting families that are trying their best to provide for their kids against seemingly insurmountable odds, meeting strong Godly women who are obeying God's call on their lives and enriching children's lives because of it. I love being able to say that we have amazing brothers and sisters in Christ in Ethiopia and that God is moving on the continent of Africa. Praise be to God! He is
so good!
We will be elated to return to Ethiopia, if God so wills it. Papa Duck, are you proud of me? I didn't say "like" once! ;) We sure miss all of you!
Dione, you are truly a model of the kind of mother I want to be some day. You and Taylor both amazed me on a daily basis. Miss you tons.
I have been thinking about Taylor a lot. I see in her almost all the pictures I see. Because of her compassionate heart,she always ran to be the first one to pray and comfort anyone that cried. I loved how she got in the middle of everything. How she loved everyone. You are raising an amazing daughter, Dione.
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