We walk by faith...

..and not by sight. This is one of my favorite hymns and is taken from the Book of Corinthians where we are challenged to place our trust fully in God's promises and not in what we may or may not physically see. Looking back on this mission trip, I realized that the sweet kids and selfless caregivers that we met in Addis Ababa and Lalibela are living every day according to this teaching. They are faced with so many uncertainties for their futures and hardships that would bring many of us to our knees, yet remain deeply convicted that God will fulfill the promises He's made to each one of their hearts and souls.

Peace! Many people I've shared my pictures with have been struck by how pretty and huge the kids smilies are.

I celebrated my birthday Ethiopian-style during the first week of our trip. The restaurant staff at Roha Hotel in Lalibela were kind enough to make this pretty cake.

This trip was an intense two weeks for me and I took away so many blessings and cherished memories. Sometimes I wonder if the kids that we jumped rope, played, prayed, and sang with will remember us. I feel like they will.
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